Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hugo Chavez is a simpleton.

This is starting to get annoying. I can put up with the conspiracy wanks who wax on about how the US government orchestrated the September 11 attacks. I can even tolerate the occasional BYU professor hypothesizing on the subject. I cannot tolerate world leaders making idiotic comments to the effect that the US caused the attacks as a pretext for invading Afghanistan and Iraq based upon erroneous claims that they see on TV in countries where said leaders control everything that's on the airwaves in the first place.

Hugo Chavez indicated that this theory is plausible and that an investigation should be conducted to determine American involvement in the attacks. "A plane supposedly crashed into the Pentagon, but no one ever found a single remnant of that plane."

They didn't, huh? Well, I found the landing gear in there:

And a Rolls Royce engine or two:

And how did that wheel from the landing gear get in there?

And how did the American Airlines-styled exterior get onto the lawn?

There are more. There is clearly debris all over the lawn. There is green primer (used by Boeing) all over the interior. There are passengers bodies which I decline to post pictures of here (any picture you could ever want related to 9/11 can be found in the Moussaoui trial exhibits). If I can find all of this, then I'm sure that some Venezuelans putting together a documentary can too. Instead, they avoid the truth intentionally for satisfaction of a political agenda.

How sick and twisted can these people be?


Blogger melissa o said...

I've heard this theory too - and it makes me ill!

Wed Sep 13, 08:53:00 PM CDT  
Blogger T-Mac said...

Yea, those conspiracy nuts really piss me off sometimes. Eccentricities are one thing but this is ridiculous.

Thu Sep 14, 12:56:00 AM CDT  
Blogger nord said...

The leader of a government making stuff up? Shocking! Yes, it's twisted, but no more twisted, in my opinion, than our government telling us there were WMDs in Iraq when, in fact, there weren't.

Thu Sep 28, 05:52:00 PM CDT  

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