Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dave Barry has a 24 blog.

How friggin' awesome is that?

Link here.



Blogger T-Mac said...

RYC: results are here: http://profroebuck.com/4n6/npda/D_Results.php UPS AS over Cal DS on a 7-2, with the Jewell teams in semi's.

Tue Mar 28, 04:40:00 PM CST  
Blogger Your Friendly Neighborhood Clark Bar said...

That's cool. Always kinda liked UPS back in the day. And Cal is kinda like the Yankees. So that's all good. Do you know where I can find a sweeps breakdown?

Tue Mar 28, 05:40:00 PM CST  
Blogger Valerie said...

Please, just tell me how releasing SENTOX gas on American soil is going to accomplish the Chechen objective? And why isn't the press beating down the door of the presidential compound? Hasn't there been an assasination and a terrorist attach already today? But there is no press conference? Phones aren't ringing off the hook?

Wed Mar 29, 10:47:00 AM CST  
Blogger Your Friendly Neighborhood Clark Bar said...

THey did have a press conference...Only the Prez declared martial law, which was established within the commercial break. And as for releasing the gas on American soil? Eh. They wanted to release it in Russia but couldn't smuggle it out of the country. Then they tried to kill off the Russian President. So after their efforts get frustrated one too many times, they just decide to start killing off Americans. Plus, we did just sign some ambiguous anti-terrorism treaty with them. Doesn't it make sense? GIve the Chechens some credit. It can't be Arabs every season.

Wed Mar 29, 11:03:00 AM CST  

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