Monday, April 03, 2006

Other peoples' kids

To whom it may concern,

The fishbowl study rooms in the library are not a free day care center for your miscreant youth to play Australian rules football in. If you do make the unfortunate decision to leave your hyperactive mini-delinquents unsupervised in a study room, at least have the courtesy to inform them that throwing whiteboard erasers at the windows and banging on the walls is considered taboo in a law school environment. Barring that option, bind them in a corner, drug them, or maybe just leave them at home with a damned babysitter like everyone else does. Your fellow 3Ls would appreciate it.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Clark Bar


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"bind them in a corner, drug them, or ..." Hmmm, good thing we've agreed to wait a few years to create such beings.

Mon Apr 03, 04:55:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Your Friendly Neighborhood Clark Bar said...

Naw, I don't think we'll have that problem. We have no plans to let our future children go running rampant through an institution of higher learning. Binding and/or drugging probably won't be necessary.

Mon Apr 03, 05:36:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to laugh my ass off the first time our future children throw a huge tantrum in a respectable institution, say like your place of work, and you can't control them like your idealistic dreams have led you to believe is at all times possible. Do you even remember being a kid?

Mon Apr 03, 06:55:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Your Friendly Neighborhood Clark Bar said...

I do. I saved all of my tantrums for when I was with my mom in public places like the mall.

Enjoy. ;o)

Mon Apr 03, 10:11:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are in trouble on so many levels...

Tue Apr 04, 01:26:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To save said children from the thousands of hours of (billable) therapy I know they will require, I volunteer my services as "auntie" to watch the kids. Wait, what am I saying? I would make BANK off those kids! Nevermind, bind and drug away! :)

Tue Apr 04, 03:41:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it. You should post this anonymously on the door of the library, along with a note indicating that it is also inappropriate to breastfeed in the hallways as well.

Tue Apr 04, 04:25:00 PM CDT  

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